One line out,240v
Who is CyboInverter Canada or Cybocan?
CyboInverter Canada and Off Grid Heating along with a group of investors are working to bring strong manufacturing to Alberta. Off Grid Heating has been representing, distributing and installing Cyboinverter and CyboEnergy for four years. One of our many goals as a company is to introduce mini inverter's to not only our local market, but the Canadian and international markets as well.
Why manufacture solar inverters in Alberta / Calgary?
We as a company strongly feel that solar inverters not only are economically responsible but environmentally responsible as well. Our directors are passionate about bringing new jobs and technology to Alberta.
Alberta has always been ahead of the game in North America when it comes to energy production. It is our belief that Alberta can still pave the way for true energy production both the harmonious blend between Green renewable energy and a small blend of carbon based fuels.
By manufacturing our inverters in Canada we can also become more cost competitive on a price per watt basis.
This is only a few of the examples.....
As of current our Main factory is in the heart of Silicon Valley, all of our internal boards and components are all also made in the USA. Our Mini-inverters currently weigh 14 pounds (only 3.5 pounds per panel comparable to other inverters) As an environmentally conscious solar company we had to look at the fact that we are currently selling hundreds of killowatts of these inverters each month and projected to be selling thousand in the coming months.
When we are in full production in our Alberta facility the only component our USA facility will be producing is our circuit boards, all other components will be produced, procured, assembled, programmed, tested, in Alberta or Canada.
This will save a great deal in shipping weight and fuel. This is only example a few of the ways that we can save by manufacturing in our own country.
Jobs/ provincial growth and sustainability/ Grow Canada's gross domestic export
Alberta has always longed for a new Technology based manufacturing sector, the solar rebates are helping to grow a brand-new industry. CyboInverter Canada wants to be one of the first solar manufacturers to be able to lead the way and bring new jobs to Albertans that may have been relying on
alternate energy sectors.
These jobs will be in the fields of, sales and marketing, reception, Assembly and testing, shipping and receiving. As well as putting a lot of Trades people to work on the installation projects that will be utilizing our inverters.
These jobs will be announced at a later date.
CyboInverter Canada Will also aid in growing Canada's gross domestic export with current tentative overseas contracts.
When will the Mini Inverters be produced in Alberta?
We are estimating that her first inverter should roll offer production line within the next month and a half to two months. (aug 15 2017) For the last six months we have been hard at work at our warehouse getting it to a startup stage.
We still currently have work to do, though it has been a seamless transition with the aid of our USA division helping us in training us the whole way.
Join us for ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SOLAR POWER AND SOLAR INVESTMENT being held at CROWFOOT PUBLIC LIBRARY on THURSDAY FEBRUARY 14th from 12:30pm - 2pm and then again at the CENTRAL LIBRARY on THURSDAY FEBRUARY 21st from 12:00pm - 1pm to learn more about Solar technology, about the 35% Rebate towards Solar in Alberta and about our products and services to see if Solar can work for you?
WE ARE HIRING!!!! Are you looking to start a career in the renewable energy sector? Here's your chance! We are taking applications and scheduling interviews with people to fill a few positions we have available for SOLAR SALES ASSOCIATES in various regions. Learn how to help others save money while setting yourself up with a great new opportunity and with a great new Solar Group of Manufacturers.
Right now Albertans are taking advantage of a 35% Solar Rebate and Net-zeroing their homes, farms or businesses!
What are the Benefits of going Solar?
- Save Hundreds of Dollars Per Year!!!
- Smaller or No Gas or Electric Bill
- Quick Return On Investment
- Reduce your Carbon Tax!
- Get Paid for your energy (Solar Farm)
- Government Rebates (approx 30%)
- Increase Value of your Property
- Low Maintenance Cost
- Help Save the Environment
- Even Get Off The Grid!!!
Please take a moment to check out some of our Facebook Pages, products, services and videos...
Please send us a PM for more details or to get yourself pre-registered or for a FREE SOLAR QUOTE!!!